
A Brief History of MRSCNA

(Mountaineer Region Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous)

The following is mostly taken from a Service Primer published by the Metro-Valley Area

In our Region the first meeting was the Charleston Central group, on a Thursday night in April of 1979. It is said that there were 3 people present. In the next two years CCG expanded to 4 meetings. An item of note was that meetings in Columbus and Wheeling were started by early CCG members.
In 1982 the Live Clean Or Die Group formed in Morgantown. The LCODG was supported by a couple of locals and some members of the Tri-State Region. In June of 1982, the Logan Group of NA had its first business meeting. The Logan Group was the second meeting south of Wheeling in WV. There was still not any communication between groups that would shortly become the Mountaineer Region.

In 1983 things started happening. From members moving around, and people coming out of treatment or jail and finding no meeting in their community, meetings started springing up. Besides Charleston, Morgantown and Logan, there were meetings in Weston, Fairmont, Clarksburg, Huntington, and Parkersburg. Members of these Groups began traveling and sharing service experiences and fellowship. Soon members became very close.

In a late night discussion at a members house on Cheat Lake, the dream of a State Convention was born. By the next week reservations were made at Jackson’s Mill. Our first convention was held there Easter weekend of 1984, and was attended by 68 people. We had members attend from many states and our main speaker was from southern CA.

The following year we moved the Convention to Cedar Lakes. Even though we tried to just break even we made a profit. There was already a committee and Treasury, of sorts, so we decided to form our Region. That was around March of 1985.
Read the minutes from the first meeting of the Mountaineer Region.

First Meeting

A lot has happened in the Mountaineer Region since then. There are over 150 meetings a week in 11 ASC’s. The challenges, though, remain the same. Mountain roads and small towns make it harder to reach the addict who still suffers. We must work a little harder but we understand that~

Lives Are At Stake!