Disclaimers and Notices
Privacy: Our Twelfth Tradition states,” Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”
Web Updates: We request that any correspondence concerning activities, meeting changes, or other updates be directed to our Web Servant’s email address: [email protected].
Communications: Any communication submitted to MRSCNA will be treated with confidentiality and anonymity in mind, in accordance with our Twelfh Tradition.
Personal Requests: Under no circumstances will we forward e-mail of a personal nature to any NA member here in the Mountaineer Region. This is an official web site of the Mountaineer Region and we do not acknowledge anyone’s membership in Narcotics Anonymous. Thank you for respecting this policy.
Policy Changes: The policy outlined here will evolve in the future as the guidelines and policy for our website are changed at the direction of the Mountaineer Region Service Committee and/or the Public Information Committee.
Registered Trademarks: Narcotics Anonymous; the stylized initials NA, appearing alone, within a single or double circle, or as part of any other graphic; and the circle-diamond symbol are registered trademarks of Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.